
Dr. Paul Ryan

ACR Healthcare Group

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ACR Healthcare Group


Job stress often arises from feeling out of control. Learn ways to reduce stress and protect your health from the effects of stress.

Your job is stressful, and you know in the long run that's not good for your health. But you don't know what to do about it or how to make it less stressful. Maybe you should quit, but is that smart? Jobs are hard to come by these days, and job hunting is its own kind of stress.

Job stress often arises from feeling out of control. You may not be able to control all aspects of your job, but you can take the reins when it comes to how you handle yourself. Here are some tips that can help.

  • Get a jump on the day. Arriving a few minutes early can give you time to get organized before you launch into your day. Running late will up your stress.
  • Plan and prioritize. Make a list of things you need to accomplish and check them off as you finish them. Put the ones that are most important or time-sensitive first. Don't get caught up in busy work.
  • Give yourself short breaks. Get away from your desk for a few minutes. If you can, go outside and take a walk around the block. If you can't leave your desk, close your eyes for a few minutes, relax your muscles and do some deep breathing.
  • Try to stay positive. If you have a deadline, look ahead to when the deadline is over. Remind yourself that you can do it. A negative attitude can be self-defeating.
  • Leave work at work. When you go home at the end of the day, don't check work e-mail or make work-related calls. Focus instead on things you enjoy and people you care about.

Spending your days feeling stressed at work can take a serious toll on your health. As important as your job may be, it's not worth getting sick over. It may be harder to do when you're under pressure, but it's important to make time for your health. The healthier you are, the better you'll be able to handle stress.

  • Get regular exercise. It's one of the best ways to relieve stress, and it has a host of other health benefits. Aim for 30 minutes of brisk activity a day. If you can't find a free half-hour, do two 15-minute sessions or three 10-minute ones.
  • Make healthy food choices. Always eat breakfast. Drink plenty of water. Keep dried fruit and other healthy snacks at work so you can avoid the candy machines.
  • Make sleep a priority. Most adults need seven or eight hours a night, but many don't get that much. If you're tired, you will be less able to cope with stress.
  • Avoid bad habits. Smoking or having a few drinks may seem like a way to relieve stress, but both can be bad for your health. Don't smoke, and drink moderately, if at all (one drink a day for women, two for men).

If stress is overwhelming, it may be time to get help. A professional counselor or buy Fildena online can help you learn ways to manage stress. Find out if your employer offers an employee assistance program (Health LineRX). An EAP provides professional help with personal or work-related issues. These services are confidential and usually free of charge.