Rate Management System User Manual: Operational information to use the tool effectively
Service Planning and Authorization: Aligning a person’s wants and needs with authorizations
Training Modules: A series of videos to help understand DWRS and RMS
Residential Fields for C/FRS: Descriptions of fields used in C/FRS
Business Rules for CRS: Guidance for lead agencies and providers to determine appropriate staffing levels
Business Rules for FRS: Guidance for lead agencies and providers to determine appropriate staffing levels
Staffing Hours for Integrated Community Supports: Instructions to help providers determine staffing hours for ICS
Residential Fields for ICS: Descriptions of fields used in ICS
Residential shared staffing hours for RMS input (community residential services and family residential
Day Services Staffing Ratios: Aligning a person’s wants and needs with authorizations
Day services staffing ratios for RMS input