
About Us

ARRM is a nonprofit association of nearly 200 provider organizations, businesses and advocates dedicated to leading the advancement of home and community-based services supporting people living with disabilities in their pursuit of meaningful lives.

Founded in 1970, ARRM continues to lead advocacy and training for positive industry reforms that support Minnesotans with disabilities.

Supporting Community Inclusion

ARRM and its members believe:
  • People living with disabilities should enjoy the full rights of citizenship.
  • What is in the best interest of people living with disabilities is in the best interest of the providers who support them.
  • Minnesota needs a viable private provider sector to promote consumer choice, adequate funding, and appropriate regulations.

Representing Home and Community-Based Services Providers

ARRM members:
  • Offer a broad range of support Home & Community-Based Services to more than 34,000 Minnesotans living with disabilities. People served include those who live in their own homes, in adult foster care settings, and in other community settings.
  • Support people with developmental, physical, and intellectual disabilities, as well as brain injury, autism, mental health needs, and more.
  • Support people through Intermediate Care Facilities for Developmental Disabilities (ICF/DD), the Developmental Disabilities (DD) Waiver, Brain Injury (BI) Waiver, Community Alternative for Disabled Individuals (CADI) Waiver, and Community Alternative Care (CAC) Waiver.
  • Provide Semi Independent Living Services (SILS) and other community-based services.
  • Collectively employ 27,000 staff in Minnesota.

What does the acronym 'ARRM' stand for?

The ARRM acronym stands for 'Association of Residential Resources in Minnesota'. However, because our members provide a wide range of community-based services in addition to residential supports, we now refer to our organization as 'ARRM'.

ARRM's Mission Statement

The mission of ARRM is to advocate for, inform and support Minnesota organizations serving people in the disability and mental health communities.