Staff Highlight: Ashley Wear, Manager of Events and Promotions

Domino, the real pro-golfer
You recently passed your one-year anniversary of being ARRM's Manager of Events and Promotions! What is one thing you wish you had known when you first started?
It sure doesn't feel like it, seems like just yesterday! I wish I had known more about the HCBS industry and the work our members do. I came in with human services experience, working in the public and non-profit sectors. But I didn't truly know what went into these organizations and how so much in our communities and government affects the way they are able to support individuals. The more I know about their jobs, roles, duties, and expectations, the more I am able to create valuable and meaningful experiences for them within our events and education.
While at ARRM, what has been one of your favorite projects to work on and why?
If I have to pick just one, because obviously I love all my projects, I would say our new ARRM Leadership Institute because it's been so fun and different. It really hit a demographic we haven't spent much time tending to, and I think there's so much more we can be doing to help our future leaders have the best tools and training to succeed. I like to think of topics and tools I've found useful in my own career, generally as a professional. Then I look to our Education Committee to decide what topics are the most beneficial to the industry and determine how to create a well-rounded year of training for these developing leaders.
Throughout the year, you work on organizing numerous important events. Annual Conference was in June and Leadership Conference is just around the corner. What are your priorities when planning Leadership Conference and in general, what is your thought process like when planning a large event like this?
Leadership Conference is a little different; it's a multi-day event, we don't have multiple breakout session tracks, and we've used the same venue year after year. That makes logistical planning easier, but really puts the pressure on content and making the conference a top-notch experience for attendees. In the winter I attend a speaker showcase with our Education Committee Chair and in the spring the direction of the conference is discussed with our Executive Committee. It's important to have a variety of sessions covering areas like our industry trends and policies, personal and professional development, organizational planning, and of course, some fun and motivational sessions to refuel our executives so they can lead our industry and staff better in the future. With this event as well as other large events, I have a yearlong schedule of deadlines and priorities that need to be in place in order for them to be successful. The pre-planning and organization is sometimes more important than the actual execution of tasks. I look forward to the stress and excitement of conference, and of course, the celebration of success after!
The 3rd ARRM Leadership Institute Workshop and the Fall Business and Finance Forum are coming up. Can you give us the insider scoop? Any exciting updates?
It's so busy around here, there's always something around the corner! The third workshop in our Leadership Institute is going to be in Maple Grove and will feature lots of great speakers and topics - including our own Sara Grafstrom and Madeleine Lerner discussing Leading the Charge with Grassroots Advocacy. We also have a speaker our Leadership Conference attendees saw last year who will be covering Strategies for Supervising Former Peers. I think this is something a lot of newly promoted or aspiring leaders will likely have to deal with during their career and it'll be beneficial to learn skills to manage these relationships effectively. Our Fall Business and Finance Forum planning is kicking off right about now! We will continue to cover those industry specific trainings and updates but may have a few surprise changes for attendees this year. Stay tuned for that in the coming months.
What is your proudest accomplishment?
I always have a great sense of accomplishment when I see an idea come through to execution and completion. My first year here we had a set calendar of events and topics to cover so I was able to get a good grasp on what we were offering and determine what gaps to fill in the future. With a very supportive staff, and a number of creative volunteers, we were able to really change things up with a new approach to our Annual Conference and the creation of the Leadership Institute Series. Last month's conference had an increase in attendance over 2018 and a significant change compared to recent years. The Leadership Series sold out before its first workshop--although you can still attend a single workshop if you're interested :) It's rewarding to see something you've put a lot of thought and effort into be so well-received and successful. I'm excited to continue creating new, fun, and valuable offerings for our members; onto the next project! PS: My proudest non-work accomplishment is when I got my first hole in one last year! It's extra special when you're the only girl in the foursome!
July and August are major webinar months this year. How do you decide on the topics covered? Is there a way for members to get more involved with the planning process?
With summer months being the busiest for travel and vacations, we hope to make getting training a little easier and less of a time commitment for our attendees and members. Our Education Committee brainstorms webinar ideas and we also review submissions from our annual call for presentations to see what might be a good fit. At ARRM, we have a very active and robust number of committees who are also eager to share their knowledge and educate us. We're lucky to have those resources available to us and our members for additional trainings. I would love to have interested folks join our Ed Committee which meets monthly. Or, if you're an expert on something, I'd welcome a session submission from you for consideration as well. I love connecting so if folks ever want to chat or meet up to discuss ideas, I'm available!
How long do you think you would last in the Zombie Apocalypse?
If I'm being honest, I would probably be one of the first people turned in the Zombie Apocalypse. My dad and husband will be very disappointed to hear that, but I just don't have the skills necessary to survive. I only buy groceries for the week, so I wouldn't have a substantial food supply. I am somewhat of a recovering vegetarian so the idea of hunting for my food is totally out of the question. I definitely won't be fighting anyone living or undead either (see the previous sentence). I think it would be a pretty slim survival rate for me, but do we know for sure that being a zombie is so bad? Maybe I'd make a great zombie...
Contact Ashley:
Staff Snapshots
Sue Schettle, CEO
Update: July has been a busy month! I applied for two grants to support the work of the Technology Resource Center, participated in celebrations for ARRM Cares nominees, and convened the ARRM Vision of the Future Task Force.
End of Summer Goals: A personal goal is to kayak the St. Croix River from Stillwater going North toward Marine. And, by the end of August, I want to visit six more ARRM members.
How long do you think you would last in the Zombie Apocalypse?
Not long. Those zombies seem like they are pretty persistent so I don't think I'd last longer than a couple of days.
Contact Sue:
Sara Grafstrom, Director of State and Federal Policy
Update: Many new laws and regulations that impact Home and Community-Based Service providers went into effect on July 1st! My month has been spent working with members on identifying questions or issues they may have around the implementation of those new rules and reaching out to the appropriate people to help resolve those issues. Additionally, following our Competitive Workforce Factor Webinar that took place in mid-July, Ken Bence and I are working collaboratively to develop an in-person training focused on the Disability Waiver Rate System, the end of banding, and the Competitive Workforce Factor. You can expect to see information on this training opportunity coming out in the next few weeks. I have also been able to take some time off and relax at the lake with my family.
End of Summer Goals: I am hoping to determine the direction of ARRM's 2020 Legislative Agenda by the end of the summer. Committees will be taking time during the month of August to make final recommendations to the Board of Directors, who will approve our agenda. Our goal is to have the final agenda ready by Leadership Conference for membership review.
How long do you think you would last in the Zombie Apocalypse?
According to my quick Google search, the top ten skills you need in a Zombie Apocalypse include:
- Auto Mechanics
- Horseback Riding
- Navigation
- Firearms Handling
- Hunting, Trapping and Fishing
- Foraging
- How to Build a Fire
- First Aid
- Sailing
- Farming
I have none of these skills so I am going to say...not very long.
Contact Sara:
Drew Henry, Director of Strategic Communications
Update: We're really enjoying the celebrations for all the amazing ARRM Cares nominees across the state. One of the best things is seeing how excited local media and elected officials are to see people from their communities being recognized for their work. Listening not only to their colleagues talk about their contributions, but elected leaders share the impact and importance, demonstrates better than anything the tremendous value Home and Community-Based Service providers and all their DSPs bring to the communities they serve. We look forward to continuing to highlight this through the ARRM Cares Award recognitions and upcoming public campaigns.
End of Summer Goals: 1. Finish the groundwork for a 2020 public education campaign about the value of DSPs and the HCBS field. 2. Launch an updated Technology Resource Center website. 3. Celebrate my son's first birthday!
How long do you think you would last in the Zombie Apocalypse?
Just consider me "Tallahassee" (reference).
Contact Drew:
Ken Bence, Director of Research, Analysis and Policy
Update: It's the end of July already? I just want to enjoy these warm days as much as possible. I guess part of the reason the month seemed to fly by is that I've been busy! Fortunately, I was able to take some time off in the middle of the month so my wife and I could visit our son and daughter-in-law in Chicago. On the work front, there has been a lot of activity around the new Competitive Workforce Factor (CWF) passed by the Legislature. I worked with Sara to produce a webinar for ARRM members on how to estimate the financial impact of the CWF and we have received lots of feedback and follow-up questions. We also worked on a presentation on the outcomes of the legislative session for the staff of the Institute on Community Integration (ICI) at the University of Minnesota. I was also involved with the Business Acumen Core Team with Altair working on the NASUAD grant, and the Olmstead Subcabinet. And I was pleased to represent ARRM in recognizing fabulous ARRM Cares nominees in Mankato and the West Metro.
End of Summer Goals: Well, my boss might not like to hear this, but one of my goals is to carve out some more time off before summer is gone. My bicycle hasn't gotten as much use as I was anticipating, so I hope I can address that. Taking walks with our 2-year-old Jack Russell Terrier is another fun activity to enjoy while the weather is warm. He really doesn't like to be outside when it's cold.
How long do you think you would last in the Zombie Apocalypse?
Everybody has their plan for the Zombie Apocalypse, right? For me, as a first responder, I would be in complete protection mode. The gear we wear as firefighters is zombie-resistant, so I have that going for me. And we can spray water at very high pressure to keep the creatures at a safe distance and protect our community. My public health training suggests we should be investing in preventive measures too, so I hope you are all practicing safe - well, whatever you have to practice safely to prevent a zombie infection.
Contact Ken:
Madeleine Lerner, Grassroots Organizer and Manager of Social Media
Update: We officially have two coffee events left. Make sure to register for Minneapolis and Duluth!
End of Summer Goals: We just launched the ARRM Grassroots Advocacy Network, a collective that wants to engage more in advocacy efforts. By September, I want to have our first meeting set up. I have a lot of event and social campaign ideas!
How long do you think you would last in the Zombie Apocalypse?
I feel like I would have a 50/50 chance of survival...maybe...probably not. I went to sleep-away camp for seven summers so I might have some tricks up my sleeve. On the other hand, I usually follow my gut instinct, and in a situation like this, it could easily fail me. I'd just be lucky to make it past two weeks.
Contact Madeleine:
Savannah Hanley, Manager of Member Services
Update: We've started our ARRM Cares recognition events! So far there's been a great response from the members we've visited. We're really excited to continue this effort throughout the summer and during DSP Appreciation Week. We want to celebrate these amazing nominees and spread the word about how important DSPs are!
End of Summer Goals: I want to ensure the ARRM Cares recognition events run smoothly and successfully. I also want to get various new promotional materials done by the end of the summer, such as new brochures!
How long do you think you would last in the Zombie Apocalypse?
I'd probably be taken out or run into trouble almost immediately. I have no survival skills and I'm not good with weapons. I've cut myself with a butter knife before. Even if I could survive a little longer with the zombies, I'd probably be taken out by other people. People can be scarier than zombies when they're desperate. Honestly, getting bitten by a zombie HURTS A TON...I may or may not watch a lot of The Walking Dead.
Contact Savannah: