
News Room

Stay up to date on all the news and media coverage related to the disability supportive services industry. ARRM tracks national and international media coverage of note, and works with members and local media to share important information about critical issues.

Press Releases

May 31, 2024: ARRM Announces Newly Elected Officers
February 27, 2023: ARRM Statement on Minnesota’s Ongoing Record Budget Surplus
January 25, 2023: Minnesota Disability Services Providers Respond to Governor Walz’s Long-Term Care Budget
January 4, 2023: ARRM Calls on Legislators to Pass Caregivers Stabilization Act
December 7, 2022:
ARRM Statement on Minnesota’s Record Budget Surplus
September 12, 2022:
Six DSPs Receive Top Award for Extraordinary Care
August 31, 2022:
Abeler to Receive President’s Award in Legislative Leadership
December 7, 2021: Statement on Minnesota's $7.7 Billion Surplus
June 24, 2021:
Statement on Proposed 'Hero Pay' in State Budget
June 17, 2021:
Ric Nelson Elected Board President of ARRM
July 15, 2019: 
ARRM Statement on DHS Resignations
June 24, 2019: Area Legislators Share Coffee, Ideas With Local Disability Service Advocates
June 12, 2018: Groups Sue To Halt Damaging Cuts To Disability Services
March 16, 2018: Up To Legislature To Protect Services For People With Disabilities
December 5, 2017: Protect Disability Support Budgets As Economy Tightens
October 16, 2017: Sue Schettle To Lead ARRM
September 12, 2017: Governor Dayton Proclaims DSP Recognition Week
August 11, 2017: John Estrem Elected Board President of ARRM
March 14, 2017: Disability Care Staff Shortage Draws Hundreds To the Capitol
February 23, 2017: HCBS Providers Seek To Engage Officials on Workforce, Oversight
December 2, 2016: November 2016 Budget Forecast Statement
August 5, 2016: ARRM responds to lawsuit against state

The Daily Dispatch

The ARRM Daily Dispatch Blog is a source for ARRM members to stay updated and informed on both association news but also on unique and specialized analysis of current events, policy, and regulatory issues. 

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